Category: News

Water quality biomonitoring

Carrefour des Gestions Locales de l’Eau 2025

Notre Participation au Carrefour des Gestions Locales de l’Eau à Rennes : Découvrez la Station de Biodétection ToxMate Nous sommes ravis de vous annoncer notre participation au Carrefour des Gestions Locales de l’Eau, qui se tiendra au Parc des Expositions de Rennes les 22 et 23 Janvier 2025 . Evénement incontournable rassemblant les professionnels de…
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ToxMate makes it easy to draw up your SSMP

The Plan de Gestion et de Sécurité Sanitaire des Eaux (PGSSE) is a global approach to continuous improvement aimed at guaranteeing the safety of water supplies for human consumption at all times. Its fundamental aim is to move from a reactive to a proactive risk management culture.

ESDR: Optimize your data acquisition campaigns

The aim of the research campaigns is to detect significant micropollutants present in raw water entering and in treated water leaving wastewater treatment plants. These one-year campaigns have been carried out every six years since 2022.

ToxMate deployed at treatment plant inlets with the Tox'Amont device

ToxMate, a real-time biodetection station for micropollutants, is now configured for use upstream of WWTPs, to provide a better understanding of incoming pollutant loads.

Local authorities: Reinforce water quality control during drought!

As organizing authorities, local authorities are directly involved in the implementation of measures to preserve water quality. How can controls be strengthened to better prevent the risks of pollution, which are accentuated during periods of drought?

How to anticipate the revision of the Urban Wastewater Directive (UWWD)?

Although the revision of the Deru has fallen behind the initial schedule, the first texts should be available in the fall of 2023. A few broad outlines seem to emerge on the future developments, concerning the fight against micropollutants.

Drought: what solution in case of water withdrawal restrictions for industrialists?

This year, France is facing an unprecedented episode of winter drought, foreshadowing future periods of insufficient water resources. How can water-dependent industries preserve their activity in the likely context of future restrictions?