Applications and success stories
ToxMate has already proven itself in various applications.
Urban WWTP
- After treatment, before discharge into the natural environment to detect toxicity risks.
- Upstream and/or downstream of a treatment plant outlet to determine its performance.
Success Stories:
- Proof of concept studied on an experimental chain (French Bouiillides’ WWTP)- As part of a project led by le Grand Lyon, SAUR R&D and co-financed by the AERMC, two ToxMate were installed to measure the performance of a micropollutant abatement system on the site. The ToxMate made it possible to assess water quality in real time, where chemical analyses take several days or even months.
Moreover, ToxMate highlighted, in real time, events that were not identified by usual detection means initially (those events were confirmed to be true at a later stage).
Industrial WWTP
- After treatment, before discharge into the natural environment to detect toxicity risks.
Success Stories:
ToxMate was tested as part of a display of technology project, co-financed by the AERMC, and helped by the European Commission (SME Instrument H2020). It was tested on four different platforms, each part of different industry sectors: food industry; textile industry, industrial surface treatement and chemical industry.
It proved its capacity to detect micro pollutants, whereas other classical means of detections failed to.
Drinking Water treatment plant
- At the end of treatment, before discharge into the natural environment, to detect the risk of toxicity.
- Upstream and/or downstream of a treatment plant outlet to determine its performance.
Success Stories:
The idea behind this installation is to control the quality of the incoming water continuously.
As part of a European project (SME Instrument H2020) and over the span of 14 months of analysis, the tool will be connected to several process step of the treatment, in order to assess the performance dynamically. To make sure that the answer given to this industry is appropriate, since the level of contaminant may be much lower here, the sensibility of the tool will be finely tuned and increased (with the help of laboratory studies) to adapt to the new conditions.
Alert station
Applications: For continuous analysis of surface waters in rivers, in the upstream of a water intake point.
Applications: For continuous analysis of treated waste water in view of their reuse for different purposes : agricultural irrigation, cleaning etc