The "innovative purchasing" scheme is being continued.
Decree no. 2021-1634 of December 13, 2021 on innovative purchasing and various other public procurement provisions was published in the Official Journal of December 15, 2021.
Decree n° 2021-1634 of December 13, 2021
The text perpetuates the experimental system, in place for a period of three years, allowing buyers to award, without prior advertising or competitive bidding, contracts for innovative works, supplies or services of less than 100,000 euros excluding tax.
Reference textPress release "innovative purchasing
Public procurement: the exemption from competitive bidding has been made permanent for innovative purchases under €100,000.
Read the press releasePractical guide to innovative public purchasing
"Taking innovation into account in public procurement is a major new area of progress, in a context of
The dual logic of continuous improvement of public services and optimization of expenditure. "
Competences and challenges of local authorities in water management
Since January 1, 2020, water and sanitation competencies have been transferred to the intermunicipal authorities, which now assume the role of water organizing authorities.
The inter-municipalization of drinking water and sanitation services, undertaken since 2015 and the NOTRe law, has upset the territorial organization of water management. If the Ferrand-Fesneau laws of August 3, 2018 and Engagement et Proximité of December 27, 2019 bring relaxations to this obligation, it has never been questioned in its principle.
As a reminder, since January 1, 2020, all metropolises, urban communities and agglomeration communities have had their drinking water, sanitation and urban rainwater responsibilities transferred to them. The Ferrand-Fesneau law allowed communities of communes to postpone the transfer until January 1, 2026 at the latest in the event of a blocking minority. The Commitment and Proximity Law also allowed the maintenance of unions that are entirely included in the perimeter of a single EPCI
The local authorities are thus responsible for :
Define a project and translate it into coherent and measurable objectives
Define an action strategy with funding and pricing policy
Monitor the performance of the public or private operator
Make them aware of water management issues.
Your issues
ViewPoint helps you meet your challenges with ToxMate, a water biomonitoring station
A micropollutant detection station based on the behavioral response of macroinvertebrates, Toxmate measures the impact of potential contaminants on health and the environment.
ToxMate, early warning station, ensures the continuous monitoring of water quality, and assists you in establishing the PGSSE.
ToxMate is a tool for managing your tertiary treatments, allowing better quality control and cost reduction.
With the ability to detect in real time any problem, upstream and downstream of a tertiary treatment, ToxMate is a tool for evaluating the services provided by the manager.
SSMP: Ensuring Safety
drinking water sanitation
European regulations will make it compulsory for drinking water production and distribution services to draw up Water Safety Management Plans (WSMP). The governance of the WSSMPs is the responsibility of the local authorities as service organizing authorities.
The WSSMP is a comprehensive approach to ensuring the safety of the water supply for human consumption at all times.
To ensure the safety of drinking water, all stages of its production must be verified from the water resource, catchment, treatment and distribution to the consumer's tap.
This continuous improvement approach is based on the implementation of preventive and corrective measures aimed at reducing the risks of water quality degradation throughout the drinking water supply chain.
It involves the collection and processing of a large amount of data in order to produce indicators for steering and monitoring efficiency. This data concerns the technical system itself (assets, equipment, instrumentation, etc.), elements related to environmental conditions (pressure, water deficit, etc.), but also operating feedback (incidents, pollution episodes, complaints, etc.).
Source : Hydreos
The ToxMate solution
A multi-species biomonitoring station, ToxMate provides continuous, real-time monitoring of the overall state of the water. The three species of aquatic invertebrates present in the station react to a wide variety of micropollutants and are reliable and efficient bioindicators of overall water quality.
Real-time detection of micropollutants
Implanted on site, ToxMate ensures a follow-up of the load in micropollutants, in real time, 24 hours a day
Immediate alerts and supervision service
If micropollutants are detected, an online alert is triggered to the site manager and a telephone contact is made by the ViewPoint monitoring service.
Support in the management of your drinking water treatment plant
Thanks to the real-time monitoring provided by ToxMate, you have an early warning tool, allowing you to adjust your actions quickly.
The data collected is used to identify recurrent episodes of chemical contamination and to better manage treatments.